Why did you found IT Motives?

There needed to be a recruiting company out there that was different; that wanted to build long-term relationships.  

It was the perfect time of my life to venture out on my own and try entrepreneurship, a matter of the right timing coming together.  I had transitioned out of my last company after 9 years, spent 6 months learning and researching and then it happened.  I received a call from a former client with reqs to be filled.  

After an hour of contemplating, I decided to go for it, and the rest is history!

What makes an ideal client?

A client that views us as a partner, as we do them.  Partners value each other’s opinion and experience.  We want to have more than a transactional relationship.  An ideal client will be responsive and make the process run as smoothly as possible to get the best result.

Throughout your years of technical recruiting, what has been the most shocking advancement in technology you have seen?

LinkedIn.  When I started it was cabinets full of paper.  No computer ATS database.  We used to fax resumes and/or hand deliver resumes.  LinkedIn changed it all and is the go-to app for recruitment.  It has made the world a small place and you can find candidates all around the world like we do at ITM.  Amazing platform!

How does IT Motives stand apart from other staffing agencies?

Three things:

  1. We strive to build long-term relationships.  We do this with candidates and clients.  
  2. Diversity, we live it!  Six out of nine employees at ITM are female, we also have one veteran, and four people of color.  We know and understand how diversity positively affects business.   Personally speaking, my mom is a vet, minority, and female. I respect her immensely and this respect for her diversity translates directly into how I run this company.  
  3. We also do a good job of understanding a company’s technical needs, nuances, company culture, and total package.

Fun Question Tony, what is your favorite food?

Anything BBQ

Tell me something that not everyone knows about you.

There is not a curriculum for recruiting, I fell into it.  At the U of O career center, I was introduced to a company where I would be working phones, calling people, that was fast-paced, full of young people and a good chance to move up.  They took a chance on me, and I parlayed it into a career.  I have only worked in this industry.  

It has been a great career.  It is honorable that we help people find talent or their next great opportunity.

Do you have a favorite pastime?

Anything outdoors: camping, kayaking, hiking with family or solo.

Give me 5 words to describe IT Motives:

Relationships, integrity, passionate, collaborative, inclusive

5 words to describe your team at IT Motives:

Caring, hard-working, integrity, driven, empathetic

What famous person would you want to have dinner with?

Mike Tomlin, Coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers.  He has an unmatched record, yet to have a losing record, and I am a huge Steeler fan.  His consistency is amazing, and players and coaches want to work for him.  It would be fascinating to learn more about his story and what keeps him going.  

I would also like to hear more of his “Tomlin-isms”, such as It’s not what you’re capable of, but it’s about what you’re willing to do, and, The standard is the standard.

What is the purpose in your life Tony?

My daughter Angelina; she has given me a renewed sense of purpose.  There has been a shift in the last 4 years from work to my child.  She is the most important.

Two months before she was born, I freaked out about being a father.  It helped me center by focusing on the work I had been doing and how that relates to the work to be done in parenting.  Building long term relationships. Growing people. Making connections. By focusing on those same elements with my daughter, it lessened my nerves.

If would like to learn more about Tony Seminary or IT Motives, please reach out.  We would love to hear from you.