LinkedIn Recommendations – What’s all the hubbub, bub?

It comes as no surprise to anyone reading this, but LinkedIn has become a big part of professional networking and career advancement, giving candidates a platform for showcasing your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. LinkedIn recommendations stand out as powerful endorsements that can bolster your professional credibility and visibility. Why are LinkedIn recommendations so important?: Credibility and Social Proof: LinkedIn recommendations serve ...

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Recruiting Success in Government

When you think of hiring, what immediately comes to mind? Stacks of unqualified resumes, having to spend time sorting through them all to get to the qualified candidates, scheduling interviews, making job offers, negotiating back and forth, the list goes on and on. Now, let me ask you, do you find that enjoyable? Is it the best use of your time ...

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Dance of Skills and Harmony: The Recruiter’s Symphony in Matching Candidates to The Right Role

In the world of recruitment, the process of seamlessly matching candidates with the right company is nothing short of an art form. It’s a symphony of skills, from crafting the perfect resume that sings the candidate’s strengths, to orchestrating an interview process that hits all the right notes.  Let’s not forget the grand finale of landing the job and diving into ...

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Networking Events: Opportunities in Our Midst

Some people love networking events, but others don’t relish the thought of leaving their cozy remote workspace to attend something social. Or maybe the idea sounds good, but you don’t see how it applies to yourself. Read on, and you will see who networking events are for, why they’re worth it, and why they are simply an- “opportunity in our midst!” ...

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Handy Helpers – or “Robots?! Am I right?!”

As the world becomes more digitized, it’s crucial to stay current with the latest advancements in technology. One development that is making significant inroads into nearly every sphere of our lives is Artificial Intelligence (AI). And yes, that includes the job market. This article will explore how AI can be a valuable tool in your job search. AI’s potential to revolutionize ...

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Fundamentals are alive and well

I’m the CEO and founder of IT Motives. We’re a technical recruiting company based in Portland, Oregon and this July we are going to celebrate our 15-year anniversary. What are the keys to our success over the past 15 years? I’m a big believer in fundamentals. Back in the day when I used to play sports, I always tried to learn ...

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Career Shift / 5 Ways to Move On

Have you ever dreamed of pursuing a different career? The idea can be both exciting and a little scary. But if you’ve pondered taking that leap, you might be wondering is it too late to switch careers now, or where would I start? The recent pandemic and the ”Great Resignation” have led many workers to contemplate making a change. A survey ...

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Allowing your employees to work remotely

As told by founder and CEO Tony Seminary, June 2021 (Note: this article is for the tech sector and not necessarily advocating for other sectors or industries). Now that people are getting vaccinated, one of the biggest narratives in the corporate world is employers trying to determine what their work from home (WFH) policy will be going forward. Like many recruiters ...

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Lessons learned from launching a website

Lessons learned from launching a website As told by founder and CEO Tony Seminary (March 2021) Recently my company IT Motives had our website updated and it looks great! I want to give a big shout out to our digital marketing agency partner Sproutbox Media for helping deliver to us such an amazing new-and-improved website. Having said that I thought I ...

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